Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tired Day

I am not adjusting to day shift very well! I could not sleep last night at all, even though I was pretty tired! I didn't actually fall asleep until around 2 a.m. and then I woke up every hour until I got up for work at 6am! NOW, I'm here at work and am exhausted! More so than I ever was during the night... Oh boy. This could be interesting! 
I'm sitting with a patient today. She is very sweet and makes me laugh. I love spending time with patients/kids! Some of their lives are so rough...more rough than mine ever was, and I remember being 15 and thinking my life was the worst! Little did I know! This one is in my prayers :) 

In other news, I officially applied to JCPS for elementary through high school special education positions! They received all my applications and I filled out the survey and I emailed most of the special school {state schools, i.e. psych schools] principals to give them my contact in CASE an opening occurs for one of those! I am so nervous and excited and I am not TOO hopeful about getting hired for this coming fall...but I sure am praying! I can't fathom if BOTH Ace and I had salary teaching jobs! With no children and just US, we would be able to buy a house, and start paying back student loans as well as pay off his car! I can't imagine!!!!

I am so exhausted... I can't even type really! I think it's time to lie down and watch some more TV. I doze on and off which I'm sure I'm not supposed to do but I can't help it! And this girl doesn't mind. She's SO sweet! 

We're having our friends Kenny and Krysten over tonight for a campfire and I'm very much looking forward to it! They only live a block away from us. It is VERY nice to have friends MY age, who have no desire to have babies yet, and who are newly married! God has blessed us!! He really and truly HAS blessed me and answered my prayer about friendship and girlfriends. Two girls from work I LOVE and have been starting to hang out with them outside of work--I love it! Thank you, Father!! :)


  1. Fingers crossed about a teaching job!!! And lots of positive thoughts coming from my direction!

    P.S. You need to help me design my blog, I can't figure it out!

  2. I go to
    and then put the hml code into the settings. You can get backgrounds and "buttons" and all sorts of things. I think my blog is ugly, ha ha. I can't find something I LOVE or that fits me. Thanks for the comments!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so good to see you Sat!
